2018年09月06日, 3501人气
Today i found out that a white worm had burrowed itself into my succulent and had completely eaten through almost 3 inches of the stem. I removed the worm and unfortunately had no choice but to behead the top from the root system. What do i do now? this was one of my favorite succulents and i dont want it to die :// someone please help
Today i found out that a white worm had burrowed itself into my succulent and had completely eaten through almost 3 inches of the stem. I removed the worm and unfortunately had no choice but to behead the top from the root system. What do i do now? this was one of my favorite succulents and i dont want it to die :// someone please help
Today i found out that a white worm had burrowed itself into my succulent and had completely eaten through almost 3 inches of the stem. I removed the worm and unfortunately had no choice but to behead the top from the root system. What do i do now? this was one of my favorite succulents and i dont want it to die :// someone please help
Today i found out that a white worm had burrowed itself into my succulent and had completely eaten through almost 3 inches of the stem. I removed the worm and unfortunately had no choice but to behead the top from the root system. What do i do now? this was one of my favorite succulents and i dont want it to die :// someone please help
Today i found out that a white worm had burrowed itself into my succulent and had completely eaten through almost 3 inches of the stem. I removed the worm and unfortunately had no choice but to behead the top from the root system. What do i do now? this was one of my favorite succulents and i dont want it to die :// someone please help
Today i found out that a white worm had burrowed itself into my succulent and had completely eaten through almost 3 inches of the stem. I removed the worm and unfortunately had no choice but to behead the top from the root system. What do i do now? this was one of my favorite succulents and i dont want it to die :// someone please help
Today i found out that a white worm had burrowed itself into my succulent and had completely eaten through almost 3 inches of the stem. I removed the worm and unfortunately had no choice but to behead the top from the root system. What do i do now? this was one of my favorite succulents and i dont want it to die :// someone please help
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hello everyone I'm new to this app and I really need some advice on my sedum firestorm it's leaves are turning all green and red is fading and it's leaves are very sad any help or advice would be really appreciated
hello everyone I'm new to this app and I really need some advice on my sedum firestorm it's leaves are turning all green and red is fading and it's leaves are very sad any help or advice would be really appreciated
cut off bad parts and make wait dry. you could use some medicine smear at wound prevent it become putrid. can buy medicene at taobao
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