Origin: East Africa
Humidity: 40%
Water: Water thoroughly then allow the top 2 inches of soil to dry out between waterings. Soggy soil will cause the rhizomes to rot. Yellow foliage and soft stems are also a sign of too much water. Although ZZ plant will tolerate dry soil, it will likely drop its leaves if left too dry, too long.
Fertilizer: Feed four times a year with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted by half. It’s a good idea to feed at the time of watering to avoid fertilizer burn.
Tips: Will tolerate low light but growth will be slow. Leaning or curling leaves equals too much sun.
Humidity: 40%
Water: Water thoroughly then allow the top 2 inches of soil to dry out between waterings. Soggy soil will cause the rhizomes to rot. Yellow foliage and soft stems are also a sign of too much water. Although ZZ plant will tolerate dry soil, it will likely drop its leaves if left too dry, too long.
Fertilizer: Feed four times a year with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted by half. It’s a good idea to feed at the time of watering to avoid fertilizer burn.
Tips: Will tolerate low light but growth will be slow. Leaning or curling leaves equals too much sun.
花相册 (3)


Acquired: May 2017
2nd Photo: July 2018
Acquired: May 2017
2nd Photo: July 2018