Croton's leaf color is most vivid when plants get plenty of light and it also have a high transpiration rate, so they need frequent watering. Keep soil lightly moist at all times. Crotns like moderate humidity, and benefit from regular misting in winter, when indoor air is often very dry.
Anytime a Croton becomes tall and lanky, you can cut off the top and root a stem tip cutting.
Anytime a Croton becomes tall and lanky, you can cut off the top and root a stem tip cutting.
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Plants Encyclopdias

Name: Croton Variegated
Latin: Codiaeum variegatum
Origin: Asia
Plant height: 50 - 80 cm
Reproduction: #Stems
Difficulty level: #Pro
Tags: #Asia #Codiaeumvariegatum
Latin: Codiaeum variegatum
Origin: Asia
Plant height: 50 - 80 cm
Reproduction: #Stems
Difficulty level: #Pro
Tags: #Asia #Codiaeumvariegatum